Study Abroad Programs and Internships


Erasmus Programme

At the end of 2010, CEVRO University succeeded in its application for the Erasmus University Charter (EUC). With this step, it met all the prescribed requirements and obtained a charter that authorized CEVRO University to participate in the Erasmus program. The European Commission awarded CEVRO University the EUC for the period 2014 – 2020. At the beginning of 2021, CEVRO University was awarded the ERASMUS CHARTER FOR HIGHER EDUCATION for the years 2021 – 2027.

Erasmus Policy Statement.

In January 2019, CEVRO University joined the Consortium of Higher Education Institutions of the European Development Agency. Through this agency, students and graduates of CEVRO University can participate in practical internships abroad. Both undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, can undertake these internships, which must be related to their field of study. The duration of the internship can range from 2 to 12 months, with 3-4 months funded by the Erasmus+ programme.

For further information and details on how to apply, please visit the website of the European Development Agency.

Study and Teaching Stays Within the Erasmus Programme

Students and internal faculty members of CEVRO University can utilize the Erasmus program to travel for study or teaching stays at foreign universities with which CEVRO University has established bilateral agreements for student or teacher exchanges.

Conditions of Participation in the Erasmus Programme

A student embarking on a study exchange abroad must:

  1. Be duly enrolled in at least the second year of undergraduate studies or at least the first year of consecutive master's studies (the student remains enrolled at CEVRO University throughout the entire period of the study exchange abroad),
  2. demonstrate proper fulfillment of academic obligations arising from their study plan,
  3. demonstrate sufficient proficiency in the foreign language of instruction at the foreign university. A minimum of upper-intermediate level is considered sufficient proficiency for English language, and equivalent proficiency level is required for other foreign languages, unless the foreign university specifies a different required language proficiency level,
  4. duly fulfill all contractual obligations arising from the study agreement concluded between them and CEVRO University.

According to the rules of the Erasmus programme, a student may participate in a study abroad stay repeatedly. However, it is valid that during the duration of the study cycle (bachelor's or master's), a student can undertake a study stay abroad for a total duration of up to 12 months.

Students and internal faculty members of CEVRO University can only travel to those foreign universities with which CEVRO University has concluded a bilateral agreement, which establishes student or teacher exchange within the Erasmus program.


Before Departure

Due to the individual nature of teaching exchange stays, internal teachers interested in a teaching stay at a partner university should contact the international department of the school.

The first step for students who want to go on a study abroad program is to visit the international department of CEVRO University.

Prospective students interested in studying abroad should visit the international department well in advance (approximately 6 months before the planned departure) because sending a student abroad is subject to the approval of CEVRO University, which verifies whether the applicant for study abroad meets the Conditions of Participation in the Erasmus program (see above). Students intending to travel in the winter semester should visit the international department no later than March, and students planning to travel in the summer semester should contact the international department in September.

Applicants for study abroad will familiarize themselves with the course offerings and other details related to study stays on the websites of partner universities. We recommend that students review the database of final reports authored by university students who have already completed a study abroad program. This database is a very useful source of practical information about life and study at foreign universities.

It should be noted that the academic year varies from one university to another and may differ significantly from the academic year at CEVRO University. At some schools, the semester starts a month or a month and a half earlier than at CEVRO University.

Once students decide on a study stay at a foreign university, they inform the international department of CEVRO University, which nominates these students for the study stay. The foreign school then sends the nominated students necessary documents, information, and an application.

  1. Students intending to go on a study abroad program are subject to the following documents and obligations:Application for a study stay Each foreign school has its application form. Students can apply for study at a foreign university either in the winter semester or in the summer semester of the respective academic year. It is possible to apply for a study abroad program for the entire academic year, i.e., both the winter and summer semesters simultaneously. The deadlines for submitting applications are determined by individual universities according to their own schedules. However, in general, applications for study stays starting in the winter semester are submitted no later than mid-May, and applications for study stays starting in the summer semester are submitted in September or October.
  2. Study agreement The student compiles a specific study plan for studying at a foreign university based on its course offerings for foreign students in the Erasmus program. Students then submit this plan in writing for approval to the sending (CEVRO University) and receiving (foreign university) institutions. This creates a study agreement. It is a document signed by the student, a representative of the international department of CEVRO University, and a representative of the foreign university. The study agreement lists all the courses the student intends to take abroad. Students can choose any courses offered by the foreign school, but they must be related to their field of study. Language courses are also acceptable. The study agreement can be changed after the start of the stay abroad. If there is a change in the study agreement, it must be approved in writing by CEVRO University and the foreign university, no later than one month after arrival.

Students choose courses so that they accumulate a minimum of 30 ECTS credits for their study abroad program. Students can also work on their bachelor's or master's thesis abroad. In this case, they do not have to meet the above requirement for ECTS credits, but they are required to submit a written request through the international department to the vice-rector for education of CEVRO University. The vice-rector will then evaluate this request.

Students accepted for study abroad are usually notified by the foreign university through an acceptance letter or a similar document. The acceptance letter and any additional information are sent to the student's address provided in the application or directly to CEVRO University.

  1. Participation Agreement After being accepted for study at a foreign university, students will be granted a scholarship, the amount of which is determined by the specific country (from 480 to 750 EUR per month) and the exact duration of the study stay. The proper use of this scholarship and the conditions for its payment are governed by the participation agreement, which the student enters into with CEVRO University. The signing of the agreement is facilitated by the international department of CEVRO University. The scholarship is paid in two installments. Shortly before departing for the study stay abroad, two-thirds of the promised scholarship will be paid to the students. The remaining portion of the scholarship (one-third) will be paid to the students upon their return, subject to fulfilling several conditions (see below).

The condition for concluding the participation agreement and subsequent payment of the scholarship is the submission of an acceptance letter from the foreign university and compliance with the conditions of participation in the Erasmus program (see above). Before signing the participation agreement, the student must submit proof that they will obtain health insurance for the duration of their study abroad in the target country (see below). The awarded scholarship will be transferred to the student's account, the number of which will be provided in the financial agreement.

  1. Online Language Support (OLS). Students planning to study abroad under the Erasmus program are required to complete an online language test. They take the test from the time of nomination for study abroad by the international department staff until departure for the study abroad program. The international department staff enter the details of students traveling abroad into a special application, from which instructions for participating in the online language test are then sent to the students.
  2. Travel Insurance. Students are also required to take out travel health insurance to cover medical expenses for the duration of their study abroad. They arrange this insurance at their own expense before signing the participation agreement. Confirmation of this health insurance is a condition for issuing the participation agreement. While basic medical expense coverage is usually provided by the participant's national health insurance during their stay in another EU country through the European Health Insurance Card, the coverage level of the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance may not be sufficient, especially in the case of repatriation or specific medical procedures. For these reasons, it is necessary for students to arrange travel health insurance.

It is advisable for students to inform the study department of CEVRO University before departing abroad.


Course of Stay

Students of CEVRO University participating in a study abroad program remain enrolled as students of the university, which, among other things, means that they are required to pay tuition fees.

During their stay, students must adhere to the academic regulations of the host university and fulfill their obligations arising from the study agreement (Learning Agreement), especially regarding the duration of the stay, the study of courses listed in the study agreement, etc.

Before leaving the host university, students must request two documents from its authorities (see below):

  • Confirmation of Study Period
  • Transcript of Records

After Return

Upon return, the student is required to:


  1. Submit the Confirmation of Study Period to the international department. The purpose of this confirmation is to document that the foreign university has confirmed that the student actually studied at the foreign university for the period specified in the participation agreement. Students can use a sample form for confirmation of study period or request it from the international department of CEVRO University, or they can use a form from the foreign university. This document must contain precise dates of arrival and departure from the foreign university.
  2. Submit the Transcript of Records to the international department. The Transcript of Records contains an overview of completed courses, including the number of credits. For the Transcript of Records, students will use a form from the foreign university, which they will request after fulfilling their study obligations before their departure to the Czech Republic or upon return. Successful completion of the study at the foreign school (or receiving the stipend payment – see below) requires obtaining a minimum of 30 ECTS credits. The Transcript of Records is subsequently submitted to the Vice-Rector for Education by the international department, who evaluates the results achieved. Credits earned during the study abroad program are usually counted towards students' studies at CEVRO University as an integral part (in the form of elective courses).
  3. Complete the Participant Final Report (EU Survey). This report is completed online based on instructions sent to students' email after their return from the study abroad program.
  4. Complete the online language assessment after completing the study abroad program. This assessment is conducted online based on instructions sent to students' email after their return from the study abroad program.
  5. Participants who do not meet one or more of the above conditions will not receive the remaining portion of the financial support (1/3 of the total amount of the stipend), or CEVRO University may demand partial or complete repayment of the financial support.

For inquiries regarding student or teacher mobility, please contact the international department:

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